I think hell really did freeze over...

Last week we received a blessed miracle of snow.  The second time in less than a month.  But as it happens in Georgia, what comes with snow?  ICE!!  Lot's of cold, slick ice.  It was nice to be stuck in my neighborhood zooming down our hill with kids.  We pulled out our lake tubes, filled them up, and hit the street.  Man, did they fly!  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.  Michael even did it.  Those would have been great to have!

So Monday I woke up, knowing already that our office was closed (they made the decision Sunday), and this is what I saw.  What an incredible winter wonderland!  There's a road out there somewhere.

Jolie has only seen snow a few times.  She still doesn't know what to do about it.  It was funny letting her out the back to potty.  She wouldn't get off the door step before she went.  She wasn't walking about in that cold stuff! 

So we spent Monday not doing anything.  Michael did eventually come over after he went to work (one of three people that showed) and we spent the rest of the day laying around watching movies.  There's nothing more relaxing than being cuddled up to him.  :)

He ended up staying the night and when Tuesday came about, we looked outside and the road was a thick sheet of ice.  Both us were supposed to go into work, but that wasn't happening.  His car may have made it to my house when everything was snow, but he wasn't going to try to drive around on the ice.  And I wasn't about to even attempt to make it to work in my car.  Every way out of my neighborhood is uphill.  No joke.  So instead we made the trek that many in my neighborhood did to Walgreens.  I strapped on a back back and we took Jolie with us.  When we got to the bottom of my hill and looked up...hello sledder!

Jolie had fun walking around, but couldn't help trying to catch the squirrels.

And then by the time we had reached Walgreens and were ready to turn around I noticed Jolie with less pep in her step.  Her little legs were too short and when she'd walk in the snow, her belly would be in the snow.  So I bundled her up in my coat and she stayed there the entire walk back.  It was quite adorable.  What do you think?  I love my little munchkin.

Wednesday I awoke absolutely dreading the drive into work.  I had to try to make it in even though I wasn't comfortable driving through my neighborhood.  To give you an idea, I live about 1.76 miles from work.  It took me 15 minutes to get to work.  One mile of that is my neighborhood.  It took me ten minutes just to get out of my neighborhood.  I drive a little Chevy Aveo.  It's not meant for snow.

Then when I get to work, this is what I see.  Our entire back lot was covered in ice.  And do you see that ramp on the left?  That's usually where I park.  Instead, I sled down it.  :)  Hope the link works!!

Work for the rest of the week sucked.  And getting up Monday was even tougher!!  It's tough trying to get back into the swing of things.  The snow is about gone.  It's hard to believe that a week ago we had this:

Welcome to Georgia.


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