Zombie Bunker

For my Communications class, we watched the first 30 minutes of Omega Man to illustrate the importance of human communication.  For those of you who don't know what Omega Man is, you are deprived.  Short version, it's the old I Am Legend...only better...and with cheesy zombies.  It's pretty miraculous.  And has Charlton Heston.  So anyway, we had an assignment to complete after the short viewing based on the Zombie Apocalypse.  If this doesn't earn an A, I will be pissed.  Hahaha!!

1.  When the Zombie Apocalypse comes, who do you want in your bunker?

a.  "Real"  (If you don't want to play along, imagine a serious natural disaster like the Haiti earthquake.)  Who would you want to accompany you?  And WHY?  Why not someone else?  (Try to narrow it down to as few people as possible, but I'm not going to ask you to leave a parent or child outside for the brain-eaters.)
My mom would have to be my first choice.  She’s my best friend and I love to talk to her.  Plus she’s a good cook and eating is pretty important (food, not each other).  If I bring her I’d have to bring my dad.  He’s pretty awesome and they are too cute to keep apart.  But then if I bring my dad I have to bring my grandpa.  He has Alzheimer’s so we take care of him.  It would be completely uncool (and  kind of wrong) to leave him for the zombies.  He’s a WWII vet, so I’m pretty sure if we strapped a gun to him, he would still know how to use it.  I would want to bring my siblings and my nephew.  And I can’t forget about my boyfriend or my dog (<<< not for food source).  So I guess my whole family would be there.  We already do a lot together so why not drag them along?  There’s really no one else that I’d want to be stuck in bunker with other than them…and of course my awesome Communications professor since he gave me an A in the class.  Ü

b.  "Imagined"  This could be a real person, a fictional character, a person from history.  Who?  And Why?  (ONE person only, please).
This one was kind of tough, but I narrowed it down to one person.  Doc Brown.  Now, I know you’re probably thinking “Gee, Nubia.  Why Doc Brown?”  Well, I’ll tell you why.  Hello, DELORIAN!  He may be crazy and scatter-brained, but we could totally use that fancy-schmancy Delorian of his to get us the heck out of this Zombie Apocalypse.  And of course it would have to be the Delorian from Back to the Future II, not the one that runs on plutonium.  But all that aside, I have to believe he’d be a pretty fun guy to be stuck fighting off zombies with.  I’m sure he’d make one heck of a zombie blaster ray gun (see image below), or something to that effect. 

2.  What is the significance of effective communication in each of your decisions?

a.  "Real" person(s)
 My family is probably the only people in the world who really get me.  They understand my moods and who I am.  While we do bicker like most families, we at least know how to communicate effectively to get our points/wants/desires across.  I wouldn't want to be stuck with my birth-dad's family who only speaks Spanish.  There wouldn't be much communicating going on and then I'd have to resort to talking to the dog.  (Then again, better than a bust of Caesar.  At least the dog would respond...kind of.)

b.  "Imagined" person
I am not entirely sure I picked Doc Brown based on “effective communication,” BUT I’m sure he would be interesting to talk to.  He’s pretty dang smart and Marty seems to get along with him.  I mean, I might stay sane for something like a week.  After that, I might have to steal his zombie blaster ray gun and kick him out to the zombies.  Then again, that might not be a good idea.  Then he’d be fighting on the dark side…where they have cookies.

 DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately I cannot take credit for this stellar drawing of the ray gun, but I have to believe Doc Brown would design one similar to this.  Way to go, Doc.  Protecting the world…and stuff.


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