Walk to End Alzheimer's

Not sure if you noticed the additions to my blog (that was sarcasm), but after much contemplation on what I could do to make the world a little better and honor an incredible man, I decided to start a team in the Walk to End Alzheimer's.  Mom and I are co-captains of a team, lovingly named "Walking for Wildman", in honor of Grandpa Sleight.  The walk that we will be joining is on October 8th at Atlantic Station.  My team goal is $10,000 with my personal goal being $2,500.  I feel like I may be a bit overreaching, but I figure you can never raise too much money for a good cause!

So here's where I need YOUR help.  Join our team!  Walk with us.  There's no sign-up fee and no obligation to raise money, but if you raise at least $200, you get an awesome purple "Walk to End Alzheimer's" shirt.  C'mon, how cool is that?  Ü  If you don't want to join our team or can't, help us raise money.  Reach out to your family and friends and give this disease the recognition that it needs. 

I think everyone tries to find that thing in life that sets them apart, that thing that makes their mark on the world for those in the future to see.  I honestly have never felt so passionate about something before.  I guess because nothing has really affected me like this has.  In the final stages of Grandpa Sleight's life, I saw the joy and fire burn away.  I saw a man who fought in a war and came back to raise five kids and earn a doctorate whither away.  I understand that everyone gets old, but isn't that alone hard enough?  I want to fight back for Grandpa Sleight.  I want to help raise awareness and help continue the research.  I want to do my part.


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